Definition of Nest:

A Nest is a place of refuge; a place to raise ones offspring, usually made of some Organic materials.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tips for Picky Eaters!

Even though my two kids have always eaten healthy foods since they were born, they still turn their noses up from time to time. If you're just starting to implement healthier choices, take it slow. If you seem stressed out about their lack of enthusiasm, they will feel stressed as well. Be excited about the new foods you are planning to try and talk them up. Get your kids involved in the shopping, especially at a farm market or pick-your-own orchard or farm. My kids love the fact that they picked their own and even enjoy a little nibble here and there. It takes time to retrain our palates after they've been abused. Make whole fruits and veggies available as much as possible. Wash produce and keep on the table, counter and in open bowls in the fridge. When they are hungry and they see it, they'll grab it. I started washing and cutting up veggies and putting them in big ziplocs in the fridge, so when I'm tired from cooking they'd be ready to mix into a salad to go with my meals. The bags kept dwindling and I wasn't sure where the veggies were going til Handsome Hubby said one night "Thanks for cutting up the veggies. It makes it so easy to toss some into my lunch bag in the morning." Who would have thought HH would jump on the healthy, raw-eating wagon! Let kids help as much as possible. Things take much longer to prepare, but it's worth the effort and they are more apt to try new things if they feel they've played a part. Get them familiar with green, which seems to be the enemy with most youngsters. One way to get my son to eat certain fruits and veggies that he wouldn't eat whole, is to use a juicer or blender to mix in a variety of things. My son has always loved soy shakes and I love mixing all kinds of goodies into them. Add a little wheat germ, probiotics, coconut oil and other vitamins kids won't take easily. I love to add a couple teaspoons of spirulina, it's a great super-food and turns the shakes a pretty green. My kids think that's cool and are more willing to try other green veggies. I make them try everything, but they are allowed to have a couple things that they don't prefer. And that's fine. It takes about 30 or so tries to develop a taste for some veggies, so keep trying. Here's another sneaky thing I do. When making soups or chili and I want to put beans in, I know my kids will just pick them out or eat around them. My solution is to prepare the beans separately , toss into the food processor with a little of the soup broth and then add back into the soup or chili before serving! Many times my kids have commented "Wow! This chili tastes extra good tonight Mom!" They get the flavor and nutrients of the beans without having to bite into them. It's only a short 18 or so years we have to give them a taste of as many good foods as possible. Once they are on their own, hopefully they'll come back to what they know is good for their bodies. :)

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