Definition of Nest:

A Nest is a place of refuge; a place to raise ones offspring, usually made of some Organic materials.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Harvest Photos 2008

Although we are not too into Halloween, we do let the kids celebrate Harvest and do a little Trick or Treating. This year we did not need to purchase costumes, yay! The kids were happy to use dress-ups they've played with all year. We live in such a nice neighborhood and it was a beautifully mild night to go for a walk. Even our Pup, Moses, joined in the fun and received one dog bone from a kind lady! I'm always excited to get this occasion over with, because HH does not allow me to play or sing Christmas music until it's officially Nov. (preferably after Thanksgiving, but I can't help it if I like to make it last as long as possible). Happy Harvest :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Six Keys To A Healthier You: #2 Time In The Word

There is so much negativity coming at us, all day, every day. The Internet makes negative news available 24/7 and you can't check your email without the latest headlines running across the screen. Not that I don't like to keep informed, but to be honest, it can be depressing. We need to be vigilant in keeping a guard over our thought life, which will enable our spirits to remain strong. Part of keeping healthy is spending time in God's word to renew our minds. Not simply reading, but meditation. Meditating on the word simply means to mutter or to chew on. Taking that word and spending time throughout the day to think upon it. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written therein; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you will have success." Who doesn't want to be successful? In this day and age of busyness, can we realistically meditate DAY and NIGHT? I think if we utilize all the new technology to our advantage, it can really help us to keep the word forefront in our minds. When working online, click a new tab and you can be listening to an encouraging message on the You Tube while you work. Use your i pod to keep scripture filled songs, that lift you up, playing while you are cleaning or cooking. Listen to teaching tapes or cds while driving. Keep post-its around the house to remind you of the word you are endeavoring to get down into your heart. It's amazing how you react to the negative situations an average day can bring, when you're filled up and overflowing with the word of God. It will keep you stress free and healthier in your body. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guilt-Free Ice Cream Alternative

My kids love this healthy alternative to ice cream adapted from Above Rubies Magazine. It's super easy and fast to make when needing a little treat :)

2 frozen bananas (cut up before freezing)
A couple scoops of almond butter (or organic peanut butter, if you prefer)
2 Tablespoons of organic maple syrup
2 teaspoons spirulina powder

Mix in food processor/blender on low until thick and creamy, do not over mix. If too thin, add extra bananas to thicken. Enjoy :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Signs of love

It was a poopy, raw, cold, rainy day yesterday! You know the kind we have this time of year in the northeast and you just can't seem to get warm. We were stuck indoors all day. After braving the rain to run some errands and go to a birthday party, we came home with soaked socks and hair and the three of us changed into comfy sweats and snuggled on the sofa together. No one wanted to move, but SOMEONE had to start dinner. So, I put on my pink fuzzy slippers and reluctantly shuffled off to the kitchen. While I was making dinner, Pun'kin Head yelled for us to come to the window. Outside, the rain had stopped and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. It might seem so commonplace, but it warmed my heart to think of how good God is to us and that there are signs of His love all around us if we take the time to look. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

When Daddy's away, musical beds we'll play...

We dropped Handsome Hubby off at the airport this morning. He's out of town for work until Sat. evening. Such a bummer because Friday nights are our family night. Mama gets a night off of cooking and we order out or eat out and do something fun together. Thankfully he hasn't had to travel much lately. But we always hate it when he's away. Although he works many hours during the week, it's just nice knowing he's around when we need him.
First thing we wake up to is the sound of Daddy in the shower and the whole house smelling like him when he leaves. It's his own secret combo and Sweet Pea says he smells like candy! After he smooches the kids up, his scent lingers on them most of the morning. I don't do well being apart. I don't know how some families do it. I guess if it's all you've ever known, then maybe it's a little easier.
We were spoiled from the beginning of our marriage and until the birth of Pun'kin Head, we were inseparable. We were in college and would drive to school together, then home and even to work when we worked for the same company for a while. Upon graduation, we worked at the same company, and worked part time together as youth pastors. Bottom line, we love being together. Some people would ask me, "How do you stand being together so much?" I honestly didn't know how to answer. Of course, people need alone time and have separate interests, but if they are the person you love the most in the world, why wouldn't you want to spend as much time as possible with them? HH has always said that the hardest part of parenthood has been having to share me with the kiddos. He was so used to being with me all day and now that I stay at home it's nice to know that he genuinely misses me!
Instead of crying over how much we wish he weren't working out of town, we try to make it a fun time. The kids usually fight over who gets to sleep in the big bed with mama. Pun'kin Head is in my bed tonight and Sweet Pea asked to go in her brother's bed, just to have a change of scenery. We'll see how it goes. By this time of night I'm quite the softy, so hopefully everyone will sleep :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Before I Was Born by Carolyn Nystrom

This past summer we had the first talk concerning God's design for sex with our kids. At ages 8.5 and 6.5 they had been asking many questions about their bodies and why they can't take baths together anymore (except with swimsuits on!) We found a beautiful, four book series by Carolyn Nystrom that range in age from 3-14. We chose Book Two, Before I Was Born (Ages Five to Eight). It emphasizes the creational goodness of our bodies and our differences as men and women. It includes the teaching of the growth and change as girls and boys become men and women and a tactful but direct explanation of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife. It is filled with beautiful artwork and was a great experience to read. Afterword, there were questions and more to follow throughout the summer. Sweet Pea giggled as she asked for clarification concerning the names of body parts and much talk about having babies and nursing them. Pun'kin Head, on the other hand, had some revelations of his own. Days later, he came to me one afternoon, and asked "Mama, remember what it said in that book about how to make a baby?" "Yes." I answered. "And did it say that a mom and dad can do that any time they want to and make a baby?" he asked. "Well, they can only make a baby if it's the right time of the month and there is an egg there to fertilize," I replied. Then a very excited look came over his face as if something clicked. He jumped up and down and said, "You mean you and dad could do that tonight and make a baby brother or sister?" "That's right, I suppose." "Well, are you going to?" he beamed. "Well, I'd have to ask daddy first!" I replied. "Great!" was his response. As he ran off to play, under my breath, I whispered "Yeah, but knowing dad, he'll probably just want to "practice" again!" :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Glimpse of My Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea is a jewel to a mother's heart! She is an incredible child, who amazes me everyday. Her capacity to love and compassion for others is indeed inspiring. It is a blessing to mother this "little woman" as I like to call her. She has wisdom beyond her years and always seems to know the right things to say to cheer someone up. Many times the Lord has spoken words of comfort and encouragement through this little girl. She loves freely and openly and is always eager to pray for others needs and is quite concerned about the challenges others are facing. I know God will mightily use this child as she grows. From the time she was born she has brought such peace to our household. We prayed that she would be a snuggler and to say that her favorite pastime is snuggling is an understatement. That is definitely her love language and she makes it known when she needs her tank filled up. She is very much a "girly-girl". She enjoys "mothering" everything in sight, from dolls to stuffed animals, pets to her big brother(which he doesn't always appreciate!). She has a special place in her heart for her two grandmothers, and as both live out of state, she calls them daily just to chat. She's often said, "Mommy, when I get big, I won't move far away from you. And I'll let Grammy move into my house and we'll live near you, so you can always see your mom as much as you want." Oh, my sweet girl. :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Favorite Shake Recipe

Strawberry-Banana-Soy Shakes

Vanilla or Reg. Soy milk(can use rice milk if you prefer)-about 4 Cups
Frozen or Fresh Strawberries about 12
Frozen or Fresh Bananas-1 cut up
6 ice cubes
2 Tbsp. honey or organic maple syrup
2 teasp. Spirulina
2-4 oz. soy or healthy yogurt
Add other liquid vitamins or probiotics, flaxseed oil, wheat germ if you wish

In blender:
crush ice first, then add fruit(can substitute other berries) and a little soy milk to get it going. Then add other ingredients and the rest of soy milk. Blend until thick. Makes 3-8oz servings. Enjoy! :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tips for Picky Eaters!

Even though my two kids have always eaten healthy foods since they were born, they still turn their noses up from time to time. If you're just starting to implement healthier choices, take it slow. If you seem stressed out about their lack of enthusiasm, they will feel stressed as well. Be excited about the new foods you are planning to try and talk them up. Get your kids involved in the shopping, especially at a farm market or pick-your-own orchard or farm. My kids love the fact that they picked their own and even enjoy a little nibble here and there. It takes time to retrain our palates after they've been abused. Make whole fruits and veggies available as much as possible. Wash produce and keep on the table, counter and in open bowls in the fridge. When they are hungry and they see it, they'll grab it. I started washing and cutting up veggies and putting them in big ziplocs in the fridge, so when I'm tired from cooking they'd be ready to mix into a salad to go with my meals. The bags kept dwindling and I wasn't sure where the veggies were going til Handsome Hubby said one night "Thanks for cutting up the veggies. It makes it so easy to toss some into my lunch bag in the morning." Who would have thought HH would jump on the healthy, raw-eating wagon! Let kids help as much as possible. Things take much longer to prepare, but it's worth the effort and they are more apt to try new things if they feel they've played a part. Get them familiar with green, which seems to be the enemy with most youngsters. One way to get my son to eat certain fruits and veggies that he wouldn't eat whole, is to use a juicer or blender to mix in a variety of things. My son has always loved soy shakes and I love mixing all kinds of goodies into them. Add a little wheat germ, probiotics, coconut oil and other vitamins kids won't take easily. I love to add a couple teaspoons of spirulina, it's a great super-food and turns the shakes a pretty green. My kids think that's cool and are more willing to try other green veggies. I make them try everything, but they are allowed to have a couple things that they don't prefer. And that's fine. It takes about 30 or so tries to develop a taste for some veggies, so keep trying. Here's another sneaky thing I do. When making soups or chili and I want to put beans in, I know my kids will just pick them out or eat around them. My solution is to prepare the beans separately , toss into the food processor with a little of the soup broth and then add back into the soup or chili before serving! Many times my kids have commented "Wow! This chili tastes extra good tonight Mom!" They get the flavor and nutrients of the beans without having to bite into them. It's only a short 18 or so years we have to give them a taste of as many good foods as possible. Once they are on their own, hopefully they'll come back to what they know is good for their bodies. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We are praising God for our new house!!!

God is so good! This past summer was the summer of house hunting. Each day we dragged the kids from one house, to the next, to no avail. Trying not to get weary in well doing, we knew all our efforts would pay off eventually. We have lived in a small, cozy house for the past seven years and although we love what we've made it, we've simply outgrown it. A dog, cat, two kids and a mama who are home all day, need a little breathing room sometimes. One thing we'll miss the most are our awesome neighbors! We have the best neighbors in the world and it will be difficult to move on, but I believe if WE are good neighbors, then we'll be blessed with great ones again. And we'll only be 10 minutes away, so we can still have play dates with our best friends. When we moved here, Punkin' Head was only two, and Sweet Pea was in my belly. We have since morphed into a homeschooling, loving-to-be-at-home family. Our living room is the only room to watch tv, play guitar, read, play wii etc... and our dining/homeschool library is so cramped you can hardly move. It will be so great to have my very own library (did I mention yet that I'm a bookworm?)! As we will have three, yes three living spaces in our new house, one will definitely be a library!! We are excited to have more room to be a blessing to our friends and out of town family too! Although they camped out on the floor of our tiny apartment when we were in college and they didn't care. That's great family for you. Well, as you can imagine, I'm like a crazy, cleaning woman, as our house will go on the market TOMORROW, with our first open house in only four days! Yikes, gotta go!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Homeschooling Bliss

This is one of the many reasons we love homeschooling. It doesn't get much better than this. Who can resist a snuggle-buddy when solving mathematical equations? :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Praying for our nation

"Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior." 1 Timothy 2:1-3
There are still a few weeks left before the election. I just want to encourage everyone to keep praying for our country and our next president. No man is perfect, but we can pray that God will lead and guide our next president. "When we seek God in prayer for our leaders, we are impacting the direction our nation will take." excerpt from If My Thomas Nelson Publishing. If we truly want to see changes for our country, we need to humble ourselves and pray. We have not, because we ask not. Let's give the Lord something to work with and pray His Word, which is His perfect will, over our land.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Organic Comfort Food: Meatloaf

People often call and ask me for my meatloaf recipe, so I thought I'd post it. Now that the chilly weather is upon us, I enjoy cooking my family's favorite comfort foods. When we gave up red meat a few years ago I craved foods like meatloaf, meatballs and burgers! I supplemented organic ground turkey and found it satisfies even the pickiest of eaters! Feel free to make ahead, as it is just as yummy the second day! Enjoy :)
Organic Turkey Meatloaf:

1 Cup Italian seasoned or roasted garlic bread crumbs
3/4 Cup soymilk
1 1/2-2 lbs. Organic Ground Turkey ( I buy the 94% lean rather than 99% for taste. Label should say no antibiotics or hormones etc...)
1 Organic cage-free egg
sea salt and pepper to taste
1 small minced onion
2 tablespoons of sauce mixture

Ingredients for sauce-
1/2 Cup Organic ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard
1 tablespoon sucanat or organic brown sugar if you can't find sucanat
1/4-1/2 Cup water

Mix all together. Shape into a large, somewhat flattened, loaf. Use a large Pyrex, not a loaf pan. Once formed, pour most of sauce over top of loaf. Spread evenly with spoon. Save a little sauce to baste with once halfway cooked.
Bake at 350 F. for 1 1/4 hours uncovered. Let stand five minutes, serve with yummy veggies and enjoy!

Healthy Eating On A Tight Budget

Let's be real...Living on one income is unfortunately not the norm nowadays. Sometimes it feels like constantly paddlin' against the current. Although it doesn't come without some sacrifices, the blessings of more family time, FAR outweigh any sacrifices. Most of our bills are fixed and I can not control, but groceries is one area that I CAN control with a little creativity. When we had our first child and I quit working, we literally cut our income in half. Our income has increased slowly over the years, but we now have two kids, a dog, a cat, and have been homeschooling for four years, so our expenses have increased greatly as well. I feel it's my job to make Handsome Hubby's check stretch as far as it can. It can be a challenge to purchase organic, healthy foods, which, now that they are becoming more popular, are very expensive. One way to supplement the grocery list to be able to buy the organic foods is to buy some of the non-food items at your local dollar store. I'm not ashamed to say that I shop at my local Dollar Tree at least twice a month. I can't speak for any of the other stores of its kind, this is just the one nearest me. Buying paper goods, school supplies, toiletries etc... there allow me to save money for healthy foods for my family. If you've never checked one out, give it a try. I keep watch on the prices of the things I buy every week at my regular grocery store and then can shop with confidence at the Dollar Tree, because I know those items normally cost more than a dollar. Here's a tip: Beware of impulse shopping! It is very tempting because at such a good price, you'd think why not? Shop ONLY from your list, just like with other stores and work hard to stick to it. Of course, everything there is not a deal! They have to make money too. Be careful to shop by the unit price. They have many name brand products and if you can buy it for less and save your family some money, why not? If you've never been, here's a list of things that I buy on a regular basis, that I know cost more at my local grocery store: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream, rubbermaid storage containers, dog toys, greeting cards(usually 2 for $1, this is an area that I used to overspend in during my weekly shopping), ibuprofen, bandaids, flushable wipes for kids, fabric freshener(like Febreze, smells just as good), air fresheners, dishwasher tablets, dish detergent, wrapping paper, gift bags, mylar balloons, party plates, cups & tablecloths, napkins, hand sanitizer, liquid and bar soap, ziploc bags, notebooks, glue and glue sticks, scotch tape, bleach pens, laundry stain sticks, batteries, candles, q-tips, cottonballs, bottled h2o, tearless shampoo & cond. for kids, some brand name makeup, and occasionally candy for a movie night. Wow! That's quite a bit of savings right there! If you try it, I guarantee you'll save some money and won't cringe next time you put all those organic items on the conveyor belt at your local grocery! And you'll feel great, knowing that the food you're feeding your family is healthier for their little bodies and who cares if it's served on a stack of $1 paper plates!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Homeschooling with Lapbooks: The Cricket In Times Square

For the past few weeks we have enjoyed reading The Cricket In Times Square. We created lapbooks that showcase some of what we have learned. My kids love lapbooks. They really help to cement the concepts of each story and they then have their own personal reference for their favorite books. Among the things we researched were Times Square New York (check out the web for live web cam and history on TS); Chinese culture and language, we made our own Chinese food and practiced writing Chinese symbols. Although there is no Chinese alphabet in existence, we found a cool site with what could be Chinese lettering and practiced translating and decoding messages to each other. Pun'kin Head was so inspired, he created his own secret letters and made a copy for his best buddy so they can send each other messages! We also studied crickets, their habitats and character traits. My bug-loving girl even created her own cricket cage with a rubber cricket (it's actually a grasshopper!) she had in her collection, complete with the bell for him to ring, just like Chester. My boy is anti-bugs, but did participate in our attempt to trap and catch a cricket of our very own. We had been hearing one in our basement for the past month, so we found an idea online. Take a small, empty water bottle, pour a couple teaspoons of juice in the bottom and place on it's side, without the cover, of course. Place outside near basement windows or inside on the floor. For some reason, the crickets will go in but become confused and cannot find their way out. We didn't succeed in a capture, much to Pun'kin Head's relief, but we did catch quite a large family of ants! We also became familiar with big city maps, subway systems and utilizing a compass rose. Most days, while working, we listened to some of the great classical composers of music that Chester played for all of NYC. As with each book we read, the characters become a part of our family and will not soon be forgotten. But we look ahead to next week and the next adventure we will go on together as we read a new book! :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Six Keys To A Healthier You: #1 Prayer

One aspect of healthy living is spending time in prayer. If you are feeling ill and dealing with symptoms in your body, increase your prayer time. We are a complex being. We are mainly a spirit being, we have a soul (mind, will & emotions) and we live in a body. Therefore, when our bodies are creating havoc, we need to rely more on our spirits. When Jesus was tired what did He do? He'd go away to a quiet place and commune with God. It might seem impossible to sneak away in your house to a quiet place, especially if you have young ones. But all the more reason to recharge your spiritual batteries and train your little ones how important it is to spend time with the Lord. When I'm having a busy day and I'm needing some extra love from my Father, I'll often go into my bedroom and lie down on my bed and just think on Him. Sometimes I'll be praying in the Spirit and I'll hear footsteps. It's not long before my kids realize Mama left the room and come looking for me. Sometimes they'll come in and lay quietly next to me. Other times they'll quietly go back to what they were playing with. Later, my oldest will say, "I saw you were spending time with the Lord, so I didn't want to bother you." And now they like to have their own quiet time too. Ephesians 6:18 says "With all kinds of prayer and petition, pray at ALL times in the Spirit..." That may seem an impossible task to pray at ALL times, but I think it means to be in a ATTITUDE of constant communication. He wants to be a part of every aspect of our lives. By praying in the Spirit, we will be renewed and strengthened in our inner man. Our bodies must come into subjection to our inner man, our spirit. Always remember that Jesus already took all sickness onto His body when He suffered on the cross for us. We just need to receive our healing by faith. Spending more time in prayer will keep that switch of faith turned on. Be blessed today as you endeavor to spend more time communicating with God. :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy 9th Birthday Pun'kin Head!

Autumn is my favorite season. The air is clean and crisp. All of nature seems bustling with activity in preparation for the long winter ahead. The animals are scurrying while they gather provisions. The trees use their leaves to put on a spectacular display and end with a finale of beautiful colors. And then they settle in for a long needed rest. Nine autumns ago, while my belly grew and grew, I anxiously anticipated the reaping of my own great autumn harvest. It was a cool, blustery day, the day Pun'kin Head arrived. And so he came, 6 days early, and he is still learning to perfect the trait of patience! What a joy and blessing he has been to our lives. We've been smitten with him ever since. He is a sweet, sensitive boy with an inquisitive mind. He definitely keeps us on our toes! I have no idea where he gets the questions he comes up with. He has a sensitive heart toward the Lord and there is nothing that pleases a parent more. I am confident that He has a wonderful plan for this special boy. He tells us he dreams of one day building churches with his friends and he is always eager to share Jesus with everyone he meets. So, a very special Happy Birthday, to my very special boy :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Psalm 106:1 " Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is GOOD; For His lovingkindness is everlasting!" Praise Him today for His GOODNESS! The Word says He is a very present help in times of trouble. He is ALWAYS there, are we looking to Him? When feeling discouraged, we need to encourage ourselves in the Word. Just like David did and Paul and other great people in the Bible. The more we magnify Him and His goodness, the smaller the problems of this life will seem. So, instead of going to Him in prayer once again, let's spend some time simply giving thanks for all He has blessed us with and know that HE IS GOOD. We serve a GOOD God. And He cannot change. His lovingkindness is EVERLASTING! If that doesn't make you excited on the inside, keep saying it until it does. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pun'kin Head's 9th Birthday Party!

Monday is Pun'kin Head's actual birthday, but today we had his birthday party. He requested the youth room at our church (which is the best youth room in town!) for his video game extravaganza party. He's such an easy kid to please, which is such a blessing to Mama and Daddy. A great time was had by all. Of course we had many treats, some healthy, some not. But that's why it's a treat, because we don't indulge like that everyday. Here are a few snaps of the festivities :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Nesting Mama's Tip on Skinless Fruits

We try our best to buy organic produce whenever possible. But sometimes it may not be available or as fresh and so we resort to buying the best that's available. It's recommended that we, of course, wash all fresh produce to remove any germs or pesticides. There are expensive veggie washes out there, but I've learned that an inexpensive one exists that we already have right in our cupboards...pure baking soda. When scrubbed on and rinsed with water it not only removes all germs and pesticide residue, but usually removes the wax that is applied to fruits. Once in a while, though, the skin may still be too waxy and therefore it's recommended we peel the skin off before eating. Since my kids were toddlers, they enjoyed eating whole fruits. Cool fruits are a great treat for teethers. But they usually become slippery and slimy after being in their mouths and often end up on the floor. My solution was to use corn holders, which usually only got use for a couple of months in summer. And Voila! You've got handles that even the littlest of hands can grip easily. Try it and Enjoy!

It's Harvest Time!

Since I was a kid, I've always loved Autumn the best of all seasons. I was the rare kid who loved that back-to-school feeling and buying school supplies. It must be the writer in me, because I could spend lots of money in stores like Office Max or Staples. I'm in awe of all the good smelling paper and cool pens. I especially love harvest time in Upstate New York. The leaves are beautiful and the apples are the best. All summer, my kids, who are big apple connoisseurs, complain about the yucky, old apples that are at the store. I keep saying, not much longer til harvest time and apples a plenty, apples galore! Well, this morning we braved the rain and went on our first homeschool field trip to the apple farm. Yay! After waiting for about an hour for the skies to clear, we finally went on a hayride and picked some apples. I've never seen so many kids willingly choose apples for a snack, but every one had at least one, fresh off the tree. Yum!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Homeschooling with Mini Offices

My incredible, homeschooling mom of four, sister in law, Rebecca, turned me on to mini offices last year! They have been such a blessing. They allow all of us to work at the same table without all of the distractions siblings can bring. They also have saved a lot of tears over having to look up common words that one has forgotten how to spell, math facts, parts of speech etc... We filled ours with colorful charts and helping hints. One side for math and one side for reading/language arts stuff, so it's reversible. We are thinking about making another one for science and social studies. Just google mini offices, the ideas are endless. To make, just take two or three file folders (depending on how big you want it) and glue or tape your hints onto it, then I recommend using clear packing tape to tape the folders together at the seams. Here's what ours look like: Enjoy!

Women Are Awesome!

The Bible calls us "the weaker vessels", but when we are united, boy are we STRONG! I've been thinking about all the great women that I know. I am so very thankful for all of the wonderful women in my life, past and present. I have always gravitated toward strong, intelligent, caring, hardworking women. I've tried to surround myself with women who have the qualities which I hope to emulate in myself. I have been blessed with an incredible mom. She is the most loving, caring, patient person I know. I believe she has enjoyed a life of blessings, because she truly appreciates others. My mom was a kindergarten teacher for many, many years and she enjoyed every day of it. I never saw her at work with a negative attitude, ever. As kids, we were there a lot, helping her after school and playing with the kids. Once I was grown, I worked alongside her as an assistant teacher for a couple of years. What a blessing. We loved being together, all day, everyday. And then we'd go out shopping or to dinner after work :) I have also been blessed with an awesome mother-in-law (or mother-in-love, as I like to call her). She has so many gifts and she gives to our entire family generously. I've learned so much just from simply BEING with her. Gleaning while I quietly watched her pour out her love and compassion for others. There are many, many great women who have and still continue to pour into my life. I'm grateful for my sister, my seven sisters-in-law(who are true sisters to me), aunts, grandmothers, cousins, nieces, friends (some new and some who have stuck by me for many moons), teachers, pastors and mentors. You know who you are! I learn so much, even from the littlest woman in my life, my six year old daughter. I have a part of each of you in my heart. I just feel like encouraging all the women out there, to be a woman of EXCELLENCE. You never know who's watching you quietly, wanting to glean from YOU. Let all those special women in your life know that they are SPECIAL and that you are truly thankful for them. To quote one of the special women in my life, "So many people don't share their feelings and we never know they had kind thoughts about us. Why not give that gift of kindness to others." When they hear kind words, it will not only thank them, but it will encourage them to be the best version of themselves every day. The written word is even more valuable because it can be read again, and again. I like to save sweet emails, cards and notes. I call it my "fuzzy file". And when feeling a little down , I'll pull it out for a heart lift. Something in there is bound to make me chuckle or at least smile. Life isn't always easy, girls, but we've got each other and we're in this together!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Irresistible Boy!

We had some visitors at our house for the past two weeks, or should I say INTRUDERS. You know the gross "germy" kind. They hitchhiked to our home with Pun'kin Head and came from an unknown source. They settled in right away and shared the love with every family member, so we wouldn't feel left out, I suppose. The same exact pattern took place with each of us. Day 1-scratchy throat. Day2-unbearably sore throat, can't eat or drink a thing because it's too painful. Day3-no more sore throat, yay, just a constant running nose! Day4- No more runny nose, yay, now a stuffy, can't breath nose and fever, ugh! Day5- No more fever, a little stuffy still, cough, cough, cough! So, of course Mama kicks it into high gear. You know the drill: Prayer first, then, roasting garlic, cooking chicken soup, handing out echinacea, zinc, vit. c, tea, lots and lots of h2o. Changing unplanned-for dirty sheets, trying to cuddle, read stories, rigging the laptop for in-bedroom dvds, de-germing all surfaces, sitting up for all hours of the night with Sweet Pea, who instead of just taking some children's Motrin, would rather scream every half hour that her throat hurts and doesn't want mama, who is now feeling quite yucky herself, to go in her own bed. Needless to say, I was quite tired. Once all the germs set in, I decided to quarantine both kiddos to their rooms as much as possible. Obviously, we all share the same germs, but they can get better rest when forced into beds. It's not easy to keep 8.5 y.o. and 6 y.o. children confined for long. Pun'kin Head was waiting patiently to be tucked in, knowing he could steal away a private audience with Mama. Handsome Hubby was working one of his late nights, therefore would not be home for his usual clean-up-after-dinner blessing he usually bestows upon me (I love it when HH is home for dinner!) Normal bedtime is 8:30, by the time I got Sweet Pea out of the bath, dried off, lotioned up (she had been long overdue for a bath) and painstakingly combed through her thick curly head of hair and put her to bed it was 9:15. I dragged myself to Pun'kin Head's room hoping a quick prayer and hug would suffice for tonight, being so pooped out. I walked in to see him sitting up in bed waiting patiently for me. His one hand was under his pillow like he was hiding something. "Mama," he started, "Because I haven't spent much time with you, because I've been in bed all day, I REALLY missed you." I could tell his brain had hatched a little plan. I sighed. Seeing the disappointment in my eyes he saw his opening. "Could I interest you in a game of Uno?" he asked with a grin. I think before he was born, the Lord must have told him in heaven, "You'll be going with that lady because she won't be able to resist you!" I couldn't help but chuckle. Fifteen minutes later it was finally lights out and as I stumbled out of Pun'kin Head's room, Handsome Hubby walked through the door. "You're just putting him to bed now?" he questioned. My response..."Yup, and he beat the pants off of me at Uno again!"